Harassment & Discrimination Training

Managers, team leaders, Human Resource professionals, front line supervisors – anyone with responsibility for managing staff – have often made the comment that it would be easy to get the job done if it weren't for the "people" problems. However, as any effective manager knows, managing the "people" problems is integral to getting the job done.

Many "people" problems involve conflicts between members of staff – ranging from simply having differing points of view to the more serious situations where one or both parties feel intimidated, harassed, scared or otherwise unable to deal with something that is rapidly getting out of hand.

Managers, team leaders, anyone in a position of responsibility will benefit greatly from learning some simple skills to enable them to conduct an effective mediation to assist staff in identifying issues underpinning conflicts, identifying strategies to address these issues and creating agreements so each party to the conflict can see a way forward to working harmoniously together. Whilst the best that can be expected from some mediation processes is for the parties to agree to disagree, and together to create strategies so that they can at least work together without continuing the conflict, most mediations result in much more amicable outcomes.

Using the "Harvard Ten Step Model" of Mediation as our basis, we have created workshops to equip people managers with the skills to conduct simple mediations within the workplace. Tailored to the needs of each client, these programs range from 2-day to 4-day processes involving theory and ample opportunity to practice new skills.

We build into each program mechanisms to assess the efficacy of our teachings and that allow for organisational review and Executive Empowerment follow-up should further support for assimilation of new skills be indicated.