Strategic Development & Implementation

At Executive Empowerment we have experienced the impact on an organisation when personnel from each area of your business take part in the creation and implementation of a strategic plan.

Initially, just the act of creating a Vision for the organisation, department or team can be one of transformative change if handled in the right way – we work with your people to unlock their creativity and facilitate the staged creation of each individual's work plan through a process of visioning, defining the purpose behind their work, agreeing on the values that will inform their work, selecting the goals that will achieve the Vision, and identifying the action steps that will feed into each goal and ultimately describe each person's individual work plan.

The crucial stage in any plan is in its implementation – we assist in ensuring action steps remain congruent with goals and that systems are initiated to provide concurrent evaluation and ongoing monitoring of achievements as they evolve.

Our approach is to foster creativity in the most enjoyable manner possible. The results are solid achievements in team development and business outcomes.